Latest on new artworks, art classes, & events from the Williams Mill Visual Arts Centre artists.
Visit the Williams Mill Visual Arts Centre visual artist studios website at:
We'd love to meet you! Every Fri. & Sat. 12 – 5 p.m., all our studios are open to the public. Some, like the glass studio are open every day. Others, extra hours are by chance or appointment. But any which way you decide to visit, you won't be disappointed. From fine art cards to grand works of art, it’s all here in our studios! Art that speaks to your heart: oil, acrylic & watercolour painting, glass blowing, portraiture, stone sculpture, bronze sculpture, jewelry, pottery, stained glass, quilting, graphic design, illustration, photography, body casting, & couturier.
Mill artist certainly got into the spirit of things during the recent "Dicken" festival in Glen Williams. Can you recognize the artists in the picture?
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